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The EQUINOSIS Logo, the EQUINOSIS Official Seal, the EQUINOSIS with LAMENESS LOCATOR® product logo, and other indicia of the company are registered trademarks of Equinosis, LLC. No one may use the registered trademarks of Equinosis, LLC without the express written consent of Equinosis, LLC.

Do NOT use Equinosis, LLC seals, logos, graphic devices or emblems without proper permission.  Do NOT alter the color, integrity or structure of any Equinosis, LLC logo. Select marks, logos and photographs are available in the Equinosis Image Library.


Equinosis Q User practices, universities and distributors are typically granted photo usage free of charge for publications, websites, social media and signage that directly promote the company and that comply with Equinosis, LLC’s policies and guidelines. We might ask to review the use of the photos before granting usage permission. Images may not be provided to third parties (internal or external) without explicit approval by Marketing & Communications.

Contact the Equinosis Marketing & Communications department at inquiries@equinosis.com to request a specific file, image or special project per the Equinosis Practice Building Catalog.*

*Please note that special requests are available to Equinosis Objective Evaluation Support members only.  Details can be found at https://equinosis.com/oes.


Equinosis, LLC takes the protection of its copyright very seriously.

If Equinosis, LLC discovers that you have used its copyrighted materials in contravention of the license above, Equinosis, LLC may bring legal proceedings against you seeking monetary damages and an injunction to stop you using those materials.  You could also be ordered to pay legal costs.

If you become aware of any use of Equinosis, LLC’s copyright materials that contravenes or may contravene the license above, please report this by email to inquiries@equinosis.com.


If you become aware of any material on the website that you believe infringes your or any other person’s copyright, please report this by email to inquiries@equinosis.com.

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