Objective Lameness Evaluation | Equinosis
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If you can’t measure it,
you can’t manage it

Keeping your horse fit, aiding a lameness or performance workup, or monitoring therapy & rehabilitation, lameness measurement provides reliable data for measurably better care.

If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it

Keeping your horse fit, aiding a lameness or performance workup, or monitoring therapy & rehabilitation, lameness measurement provides reliable data for measurably better care.

Measurably better lameness care

The Q measures movements of the head and pelvis, calculating asymmetric weight bearing on the limbs with precision the human eye can’t match. With stride cycle timing via a pastern sensor, The Q determines when in the stride it is occurring – at impact, midstance, or push-off.

What can I expect during an objective lameness evaluation for my horse?
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Microelectronic sensors measure how the horse moves with wireless, real-time data collection. Instrumentation is quick, easy and completely non-invasive.


Similar to a thermometer, Q technology provides precise, repeatable measurements where previously only broad, subjective lameness grades were available.


With 10 times more sensitivity than the human eye, and sophisticated algorithms based on decades of veterinary research, the Q quantifies motion asymmetries directly associated with decreased weight bearing.


Trusted in over 35 countries, by hundreds of practices, and over 80 universities, including over 90% of AAVMC accredited veterinary schools in North America.

How it Works

The Equinosis Q with Lameness Locator® is a veterinary diagnostic system
used to objectively measure a horse’s movement.

Quantify equine lameness

*The Equinosis Q with Lameness Locator® is sold only to licensed registered veterinarians. The Equinosis Q is a sophisticated medical diagnostic tool. Analytical output must be interpreted by a licensed veterinarian skilled in equine lameness evaluations and trained in the use of this equipment. The Q should only be used in conjunction with a complete veterinary examination to determine the clinical significance of measurements. Attempts to use or interpret Q  results in clinical cases without such examination are discouraged.

Consult a Q User

Interested in scheduling an objective lameness evaluation for your horse? Fill out the form below and we will help you or your veterinarian connect with an Equinosis Q user to experience the value objective lameness measurement provides.

Establish a wellness baseline

Evaluate mild or multiple limb lameness

Quantify effectiveness of nerve & joint blocks

Monitor rehabilitation progress

Assess asymmetry in pre-purchase evaluations

Connect with a Q Clinician near you

Interested in scheduling an objective lameness evaluation for your horse? Send us a request, and we will help connect you with an Equinosis Q Clinician in your area.

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Objective Evaluation Request Form

Interested in connecting with an Equinosis Q with Lameness Locator Clinician in your area? Fill out the form below or click here to find one.

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