Champions pay attention to details others don’t see.
Stay ahead of the field by pinpointing the problem before it slows you down.
Champions pay attention to details others don’t see.
Stay ahead of the field by pinpointing the problem before it slows you down.

The Equinosis Q with Lameness Locator is a veterinary diagnostic system used to objectively measure a horse’s movement.
Although the Equinosis Q cannot diagnose a lameness problem independently of a thorough evaluation*, its inertial sensors help veterinarians detect early or mild lameness with high confidence.
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The Equinosis Q with Lameness Locator is a veterinary diagnostic system used to objectively measure a horse’s movement.
Although the Equinosis Q cannot diagnose a lameness problem independently of a thorough evaluation*, its inertial sensors help veterinarians detect early or mild lameness with high confidence.
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Microelectronic sensors measure precisely how the horse moves with wireless, real-time data collection. Instrumentation is quick, easy and completely non-invasive.
The Equinosis Q is portable and designed to work in the field. Wireless sensors and tablet with on-board analysis allow use wherever the lameness evaluation is performed.
With 10-times more sensitivity than the human eye, the Q quantifies asymmetry with sub-millimeter precision, allowing your veterinarian to measure movements the eye cannot see.
Used by over 80 universities and hundreds of private practices in over 32 countries. Over 90% of North American veterinary schools are training the next generation of doctors with Equinosis® technology.
*The Equinosis Q with Lameness Locator is sold only to licensed registered veterinarians. The Equinosis Q is a sophisticated medical diagnostic tool. Analytical output must be interpreted by a licensed veterinarian skilled in equine lameness evaluations and trained in the use of this equipment. The Q should only be used in conjunction with a complete veterinary examination to determine the clinical significance of measurements. Attempts to use or interpret Q results in clinical cases without such examination are discouraged.
What Others Are Saying
What Others Are Saying

In our environment, [the Equinosis Q with Lameness Locator] helps to minimize conflict with trainers who might say ‘You know this horse’s action! The last time he looked exactly the same and won; so, why do you have an issue with him this time around?’ LL is useful to confirm a decline in the quality of movement and defend a regulatory decision. We often put LL ‘workup’ requirements on horses in training that have been recorded or found to be lame as part of their suitability to return to training. We also use the LL to support the enforcement of the compulsory retirement of horses with pathology that may compromise welfare.
Dr. Peter Curl, Hong Kong Jockey Club -
A real eye-opener [for all veterinarians]; multi-limb lameness and subtle changes after diagnostic anesthesia (which is what we are dealing with on a daily basis) really benefit from instant, objective and quantitative interpretation.Moreover, the ease-of-use of the Q is simply impressive.
Maarten Oosterlinck, DVM, PhD, Dipl. ECVSMR (Equine), Dipl. ECVs, European Specialist in Equine Sports Medicine/Rehabilitation, Ghent University, Belgium -
Equinosis is the perfect system to assess horse’s response to treatment. Here at UC Davis, we currently conduct several clinical trials to treat specific cartilage, ligamentous and tendinous lesions with mesenchymal stem cells. The Lameness Locator allow us to precisely assess the degree of improvement after treatment. This not only helps us to determine if future treatment is required, but also provides the objectivity and accuracy essential for research publications.
PABLO ESPINOSA, DVM, DACVS, UC Davis Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital -
The Lameness Locator system has proven to be an asset to our practice by providing objective information to aid in lameness diagnosis. We have found the system to be of great benefit in working up subtle or multiple limb lameness and particularly useful to quantify the efficacy of diagnostic blocks. Our clients appreciate the investment in cutting edge technology that aids us early diagnosis of lameness.
Thomas E. Kellerman, DVM, Homestead Equine, Pacific, Missouri -
I am lucky enough to have Dr. W Davis hands on my top dressage horses, and I was completely impressed with your technology and thankful Dr. Davis has it in his back pocket. It makes the whole process easier and less stressful for owner and rider.
Melissa Taylor, Legacy Farms, Wellington, FL -
Our trip to Dr. Propp in Pryor, Oklahoma, was a game changer for Chance. We’d been to local vets many times, but were just throwing money at problems without knowing if we had found the true cause of his issues. The Lameness Locator helped us find the real root of his problems, and we’ve been able to maintain him as a tough 1D/rodeo horse because of what we learned that day. Three years later, he just finished running 5th out of over 200 last Friday at Topeka, KS.
Melanie McGee , Yates Center, KS -
We use the Lameness Locator with the inertial sensors for up to 80% of our lameness patients..especially examining hind leg lameness.
Wolfgang Stäcker DVM, Lecturer in Equine Surgery and Orthopedics, Free University of Berlin, Germany -
The Lameness Locator has inspired confidence in our clients who love the objectivity of the process. The only mistake we made is to avoid putting it on every single case so we now have 2 sets of sensors! Lameness that is “only felt by the rider” can now be “seen” by the Lameness Locator.
Nick Kleider, DVM , Kleider Veterinary Services, Langley, British Columbia -
Lameness Locator has become an integral part of my evaluation of horses referred to me for lameness. I use Lameness Locator routinely, 1) to detect if lameness is present in horses with a history of poor performance or multi-limb lameness, 2) to grade the level of lameness before and after regional analgesic techniques and calculate the degree of improvement observed especially in horses with hind limb lameness.
Michael Schramme DMV, PhD, ECVS/ACVS, Professeur de Chirurgie Equine, Lyon, France -
I have found the Lameness locator to be especially helpful in interpreting the results of diagnostic nerve blocks in horses with subtle hind limb lameness…I more frequently identify and resolve lameness problems. The lameness locator is easy to use, sensitive and reliable. The professional staff at Equinosis are extremely helpful.
Mark T. Donaldson VMD, DACVIM, Unionville Equine Associate, Oxford, PA -
Lameness Locator has proven to be a practice builder by providing me with an additional diagnostic tool using cutting edge technology that has formerly been unavailable to equine practitioners. I find it very useful to objectively interpret diagnostic blocks as well as assessing response to therapy.
Kent Allen, DVM , Virginia Equine Imaging -
We have used the Lameness Locator® to evaluate clinical cases of lameness and for research…the objective data obtained with the Lameness Locator® appears to provide a much more accurate assessment of gait (based on sometimes wide variation of our subjective scores) and provides reassurance that subjective data has not been unduly influenced by our bias.
John Schumacher DVM, MS, DipACVIM, Auburn University -
Phenomenal! I use it all the time now. I find it especially useful for detecting differences (or not) with flexions and blocking – takes out the human nature element of wanting your blocks to work!
James Belknap, DVM, Diplomate ACVS -
The Equinosis system has allowed me to deal with subtle lamenesses that previously I may have requested these horses get worked in order to more consistently show a gait abnormality. Now I can objectively and adequately work up these horses, avoiding the risk of excessive further damage to tissues with increased workload.
Duncan Peters, DVM, MS, East-West Equine Sports Medicine -
The Lameness Locator provides a superior measurement that allows me to make more accurate diagnoses and monitor patient progress with higher precision. It also gives me the early detection of sub-clinical lameness in high level sport horses. It’s like having a second opinion at every appointment and has revolutionized my lameness exam methodology.
Dr. Fernando Cardenas , 3H Veterinary Services, New Hill NC -
The LL has become a very useful diagnostic and teaching modality of the University of Florida’s Equine Lameness & Imaging Service. Its use has led to more comprehensive lameness exams, and increased client confidence. It supports our clinical assessments of routine, multi-limb, and subtle lameness.
Dr. Alison Morton DVM, MSpVM, Dipl ACVS, University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine -
The Lameness Locator has proven to be very useful in our practice. On a daily basis, this system assists us in determining the origin of complicated lameness and serves as a guide to further diagnostic testing and targeted therapy. Our clients are impressed with the results and have been very supportive of it.
Cliff Honnas DVM, Diplomate ACVS, Texas Equine Hospital, Bryan TX -
The lameness locator has become an integral part of our sports evaluations at Mission Equine.
Bruce Kuesis DVM, Diplomate ACVIM, Mission Equine Associates, Santa Barbara, CA -
I started using LL in only the difficult cases, but I now use it on almost all of the lameness exams.
Aric Adams DVM, Diplomate ACVS, Equine Medical Center of Ocala -
I have found the Lameness Locator to be a valuable tool for both the evaluation of equine lameness and teaching of veterinary students. One of its greatest benefits is the evaluation of limb flexion and nerve blocks. I am able to better interpret nerve blocks in horses with multi-limb lameness and assess response to treatment or surgery.
John F Marshall BVMS, PhD, ACVS/ECVS, University of Glasgow
Ask Your Veterinarian
Interested in scheduling an objective lameness evaluation for your horse? Fill out the form below and we will help you or your veterinarian connect with an Equinosis Q user to experience the value objective lameness measurement provides.
Establish a wellness baseline
Evaluate mild or multiple limb lameness
Quantify effectiveness of nerve & joint blocks
Monitor rehabilitation progress
Assess asymmetry in pre-purchase evaluations
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Ask Your Veterinarian
Interested in scheduling an objective lameness evaluation for your horse? Fill out the form below and we will help you or your veterinarian connect with an Equinosis Q user to experience the value objective lameness measurement provides.
Establish a wellness baseline
Evaluate mild or multiple limb lameness
Quantify effectiveness of nerve & joint blocks
Monitor rehabilitation progress
Assess asymmetry in pre-purchase evaluations
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